Matched: 2016

I went through my own battle with mental health as a child, so I recognize the impact a great role model and listening ear can have. When I heard of Big Brothers Big Sisters I knew it was my opportunity to support a young girl in need. Over the past two years, I have had the pleasure of watching my Little gain confidence and find her voice; I was so proud to see her face her fears and transition into the ‘scary’ world of High School. As a Big, you join the program hoping to make a difference in a young persons life but I was surprised by how much of an impact my Little has had on mine. She challenged me at every outing to grow as an individual and embrace my artistic side as I planned activities such as painting and arts and crafts. With each day spent together, she made me a better person and I am incredibly fortunate to have been a part of such a life changing program for both Little and Big.