On Friday, March 15 and Saturday, March 16 we held our 2000s-themed Bowl For Kids Sake at Holiday Bowl where we raised over $56,000! These funds will go towards the facilitation of mentoring programs for youth within Lethbridge and our surrounding rural areas. Thank you so much to everyone who supported us.
Special thanks to:
Holiday Bowl for hosting us once again
Domino’s Pizza for providing pizza to all our bowlers
Anyone who pledged a bowler or donated towards the event
Title Sponsors: Scotiabank and Avail CPA
Gold Sponsor: Kaupp Family Farms
Silver Sponsors: KB Heating and Cooling Air Conditioning and 1st TechniCall Systems Inc.
Bronze Sponsors: Cornerstone Funeral Homes, Martin Brothers Funeral Chapels , and Southern Irrigation.
Company Teams: Green Acres Foundation, Stringham LLP , Meagan Turner – Century 21, Huckvale LLP, The Legends To Be, The KickStarters, Gas King, Ducan Industries Inc., MNP, Meagan Kwok & Friends, The Tillsley Family, and Leon’s Furniture.
Keep an eye on our website for more information regarding our 2025 Bowl For Kids Sake!