Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lethbridge and District presents alumni awards to members of our Board of Directors who have served three terms, or to members of our community who have engaged with our organization for over a decade and have made a significant impact while doing so. Thank you to our past alumni as well as those to come for all your support of our organization.


2024 Recipients: Scotiabank and Rianna Wilson

2023 Recipients: Headwater Equipment and Fergus Raphael

2022 Recipients: Ryan Tunall, Cathy Kitagawa, Theresa Gromnisky, and Lethbridge Police Services

2019 Recipient: Making Connections

2018 Recipient: National Salvage 

2017 Recipient: Mike Zubach

2016 Recipient: In Memory of Rick Tanaka

2015 Recipient: Charlton & Hill Ltd. and Canadian Tire 

2014 Recipient: Jamie Johnston